Hardware inventory

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Revision as of 15:46, 7 September 2008 by Tassos (talk | contribs)
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The servers

Braeburn: The File server

Braeburn is a PC, operational since Christmas 2007. Seems to operate smoothly. It serves all xtal filesystems and is responsible for backups.

Conifer: Web services

PC from 2003, its the web gateway.

Pear: DB server

A 2xG5 MAC from 2005, runs Depot, 3DR DB, XTALHIT, the SVN depository and TRAC. All these are crucial services. Pear has been updated to OSX 10.5 since 7/2008.

Redwoord: LIMS services

Redwood is a 2002 PC, hooked up to a 1.2 Tera RAID (IDE disks on SCSI)

The workstations

All workstations are accessible to all xtal users and are at the seminar room of B8. Mostly outdated 2-proc Xeon DELLs betwen 2-2.4 GHz, with great stereo graphics cards from NVidia.


Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.66GHz Kers is also the ssh server and run NoMachine, for remote desktop services. No good reason for that, both services should rather migrate to a server.




The cluster

xhead and the four xnodes form a small OSX based 10-proc cluster (10 CPUs) total. Quite old by now (3 years) it worked perfectly with zero down time over its life time. Its located at the B8 server room.

The robotics crowd

CrystalFarm server

Windows PC, has a small RAID 3

=== Many more UNnamed machines, that need to be named, inventorized, and in some cases connected to the actual network - since they are not on, but need to be. Many of these are Windows PCs.