Main Page
Welcome to the NKI Xtal and RHPC wiki. This is a place we should upload experimental protocols, computational protocols, (...or anything you wish to add here as a Wiki hyper link).
The very ideas of Wiki are based on collaboration and responsibility. If we all follow these basic principles - upload as much information as we can and be as confident as possible it is accurate - it will go well.
Xtal Wiki
This is the place to upload things related to the Department of Biochemistry. Please do edit protocols when its needed, but also keep in mind that even if that can be done electronically without consulting the original author, we are still a small group and we can talk to each other easily.
Here you can find all information you want about the Research High Performance Computing, both as a user or as a member of the user committee (UC). If you are a UC member and you can also update the wiki.
- This will be the wiki for RHPC computing at the NKI
- To get an account contact Ismail or Torben.
- Please do take as much care as possible to cross-reference articles as the resource is growing!
- Wiki formatting is easy: look at the source of this page for hints.
- Extra help can be found by clicking the Editing help link at the bottom of the page during editing.