Lysine Methylation
- 1mg/ml protein
- 50mM HEPES (pH7.5)
- 250mM NaCl
- Do NOT use Tris
Add per 1ml protein:
- 20μl 1M dimethylamine-borane complex (ABC) – freshly prepared
- 40μl 1M formaldehyde (from 37% stock)
Mix gently and incubate for 2hrs at 4°C
Add again:
- 20μl 1M dimethylamine-borane complex
- 40μl 1M formaldehyde
Continue incubation for 2hrs at 4°C
Then add
- 10μl 1M dimethylamine-borane complex (ABC)
Incubate O/N at 4°C
Remove precipitated protein (up to 50%) by centrifugation
Concentrate and put protein on Gel Filtration column in a Tris conatining buffer, eg:
- 20mM Tris (pH7.5)
- 200mM NaCl
- 1mM DTT